

Welcome to Early Milestones Nursery


Here at Early Milestones Nursery, we place the interests of the child at the heart of all that we do and are committed to applying the principles of the EYFS to help nurture and develop those children entrusted to our care.

With our experienced staff steeped in a lifetime of childcare provision, we aim to provide the best possible start as your children take their first steps along the paths of the Early Milestones journey and develop their skills, personalities and confidence in preparation for their onward progression to school.

Offering funded and non-funded places for 2-5 year olds, we offer them all a friendly and welcoming environment based at The Leegomery Community Centre here in Telford.    

Where every child matters

A Little About Us

Early Milestones Nursery has a wealth of experience within its team having taken on the provision of childcare at the Leegomery Centre from the Leegomery Under Fives Setting with all staff moving under the Early Milestones banner to give full continuity and stability to those children already within our care.  By maintaining all of the knowledge and skills offered by the long established team, it has ensured that those years of experience could continue to deliver the highest levels of care.

For current events and regular updates, please also click through and follow us on our Facebook page

Drawing Photo
The Early Milestones Team

All of the team are trained and experienced professionals with a Continual Development Program that allows us to consistently provide the highest possible levels of childcare and support for all children attending the setting.

Further details of individual qualifications and experience are available within the setting but the main thing is that we all have a passion of enriching and helping develop the lives of young people at the start of their journey through the milestones of their early development. 

Our Staff


Rebecca Ralph

Kath SMith

Kath Smith
Curriculum Manager

Gina Biddulph
Deputy Manager

Zak Farrington

Zak Farrington

Kat Ashfield

Carrie Harding

Carrie Harding

Apprentices and Trainees

As part of our commitment to the ongoing delivery and provision of the highest quality childcare, we do also work closely with Telford College to provide opportunities for developing and mentoring the future generations of childcare professionals within the Borough